Monday, October 5, 2009

urban monk(ey)

I just came back from my first Yoga class since 3 months or so and it was really good. Well, frankly first I was so skeptical as the atmosphere was not relaxed at all in the studio. There was a very strong tension between the people waiting and not really a sign of openness. So, I said to myself well this is paid now and I'm gonna do it, but I'll not do Yoga again with these weirdos. Anyhow. Then the class started and the teacher was really talented I must say-the whole atmosphere changed and everybody became very focused. I enjoyed myself so much and also (and I'm really trying not to feed my ego here) I could see how much my daily sessions enabled me to such great progress. Yay! I even could manage to be not or at least the least competitive of all by listening to myself and choosing to go into child's pose when everybody else forced him or herself to stay shaky in the dog. What a huge step for me, daughter of the most competitive dad in the world.
Altogether it was a really nice day, also thanks to the weather's sunny face today and being outside for the most part.
P.S.: Bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich wirklich hier laengerfristig leben kann. Diese, wenn auch sehr attracktive, Betonwueste macht mich auf Dauer, glaub ich, muerbe. Ich brauche Natur!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


After a long journey crossing half of the entire globe I finally made it here in one piece. It's so amazing how - more or less - easily and quickly one can jump around the world today. Anyhow, I love it! Now I'm looking forward to my time here and also to returning to India in three weeks. I think I fell in love with that country and especially with its lovely lovely people. Just had my first Yoga session here in the appartment. Well, a bit different indeed it is compared to my daily beach-Yoga in Goa. But it's calm (after I removed a very excited dog lady from my mat) and not sandy.
I'm hungry. I'll check what I find here...